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"Jeff Novick is the best teacher of dietetics I have ever seen. His presentations are powerful and humorous. As a professional he is intelligent, honest, and caring.  You will want to own all of his live presentations."

John McDougall, MD

Founder of the McDougall Program


“As a master chef, dietician, past nutrition director of the Pritikin Institute, Jeffrey Novick undoubtedly qualifies as the master presenter of plant based nutrition for optimal health.  His fund of knowledge and humor set him apart as a gifted lecturer and teacher.”

Caldwell Essesltyn, Jr., MD

Author, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease


"Jeff, your ability to probe and analyze the research literature is as good as anyone I know, inside or outside of the professional research community. You actually obtain the papers and critically review the tables and charts of the data, then see if the authors discussion of their own data is consistent." 

“Jeff Novick's rendition of food labeling is unparalleled in its clarity and thoroughness. No one has a better insight into the folly of food advertising.”

T. Colin Campbell, PhD

Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional 

Biochemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY


"Jeff, your diligence and scholarship are impressive and greatly appreciative. We nutrition docs "at the coalface" rely on your clear, rational and creative guidance and are most grateful for it.  You are a treasure to all of us, Jeff."

Michael Klaper, MD

Physician, Speaker, Educator. 

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“Jeff has a marvelous way of making nutrition make sense. What he shares makes enough practical sense to be of use when a person is doing food shopping or looking for a place to eat.   His presentation to the residents in our family medicine residency was put to use in helping their patients make wise lifestyle changes to treat disease or lose weight.  I can heartily recommend Jeff Novick as a reliable and effective communicator of truly healthful information. You won't be disappointed.” 

George E. Guthrie, MD MPH CDE, CNS

Assistant director Family Medicine Residency

Florida Hospital,  Orlando, Florida

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“I thought your life's work was helping people live healthy.... I guess I was mistaken...  "my bad".  You give great lectures on calories density, nutrition labels and health. I can't wait for the comic movie , "Dense and Denser", starring Jeff Novick.


And in my opinion no one gives better lectures on calorie density and nutrition....but a comic? No, your are not just any comic, you are the zenith of comedy genius.. in my humble opinion.. you are up there with Jim Carey and Robin Williams...and Moses.. why your wasting your time teaching nutrition, I don't know.

Jeff, put down the Power Point clicker and head for Hollywood, dude. And I'll see you at the Golden Globes.”

Ellen Cleghorne

Actress & Comedian

Former Cast Member Saturday Night Live


“Jeff is not only a nutrition and health expert but has the ability to reduce complex research into easily under-stood principles.  His lectures are not only informative but motivational and done with great humor.  We have heard his lectures at the McDougall Advanced Study Programs and highly recommend them.”  

Larry & Ann Wheat

Former Principle Owners of Millennium Restaurant

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"Your commitment and dedication make you a role model for public health professionals and all Hoosiers. Your commitment to public health and quality of life is a fine example of community service. Thank you for your leadership and creativity"

Judy O' Bannon

Wife of Frank O'Bannon, Governor of Indiana


"Jeff Novick is the best teacher of dietetics I have ever seen. His presentations are powerful and humorous. As a professional he is intelligent, honest, and caring.  You will want to own all of his live presentations."

Kathleen Stienstra, MD

Director Of Family Practice Medical Ctr, Terre Haute, IN


"Having known Jeff Novick for many years I deeply trust his integrity and cousel. His knowledge of the healing potential of good nutrition is incredible and his compassion for others is an inspiration.

Rev. David A. Lebau

Minister, Unity of Bloomington, Indiana


“We are proud to have a student of Jeffs caliber in our programs, a student whose inner drive motivates them to dedicate time and effort to the extension of the boundaries of human knowledge."

Joe Weixlman

Dean Indiana State University, School of Arts & Sciences


"Jeff’s unique interdisciplinary background makes him exceptionally insightful of the relationship of physical training and nutritional implications. He is a warm sincere and personable health care professional with an unsatiable appetite for knowledge. I would rate him in the top 1% of all students I have had during the past 16 years".

Al Finch, PhD

Professor of Physical Education, Indiana State University


"Jeff is the vanguard of what I perceive to be the trend of the future, a Dietitian with highly developed skills in food preparation and presentation which he uses to motivate change in the eating behaviors of his clients."

Judith Byrne

Director Coordinated Program of Dietetics

Indiana State University


"Virtually singlehandedly Jeff Novick while earning a master's degree in nutrition, forged a presence in Terre Haute with a monthly dinner group, newspaper columns, and a project uniting Indiana State University with Union Hospital which helped educate doctors and health professionals. In general, he greatly heightened community consciousness of nutrition and healthful living."

Rich Shneirov, PhD

Professor of History, Indiana State University


"We feel lucky that you took so much time out of your busy day to be with us. As dietetic interns, after your lecture, we felt refreshed that our profession impacts so many people in a positive way and that we can be team players in the right setting. You are a role model to all dietitians. Thank you for staying true to the profession and for beleiving in scientific research on which to base any of your recommendations. Your efforts really make a huge difference."

Dietetic Interns 

Florida International University, Class 2006-2007

Jeff Novick, MS, RDN

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